Wintersweet Germination Instruction

After experimenting with germinating Wintersweet seeds, the best, most reliable method I found was germination through “paper towel method” with seed coat removal (germination rate at >90%). With no seed coat removal and straight planting in soil, germination time significantly increases. Instructions 1. Obtain Seeds. 2. Scarify seed by nicking the seed coat or scrubbing … Continue reading


One of the easier to take care, yet equally rewarding fragrant plant I have is jasmine. Every summer, jasmine flowers profusely (I don’t have the winter-spring flowering jasmine) and continuously throughout the entire summer. They smell absolutely wonderful. I have two in the house, and that makes the entire living room and beyond smelling gorgeous. … Continue reading

Wintersweet Germination Day 3

This morning, I removed the seed coat, the resilient layer, and placed the seeds in the tray in a zip-lock bag. Next, I will just be checking upon the seeds everyday. They should start sprouting in a few days 🙂


I got a few little Gardenia Radicans from Ebay a couple of month ago. They’ve gotten so much larger. Yes, this is still a pretty tiny plant right now (bonsai sized), but it came in a small 1in size container, now the roots are already growing out of this 4in container. I plan on re-potting … Continue reading

Wintersweet Germination Day 1-2

Day 1-2: This morning, I soaked some Wintersweet seeds in room temperature water. Tomorrow night I will remove their seed coats and place them in some zip-lock bags (all instructions on Plant Propagation Page).

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